Amazon's Alexa Gives Very Different Response When Asked Why to Vote for Trump Versus Harris

Amazon Alexa gave very different answers when asked why to vote for Donald Trump versus Kamala Harris.

When asked, "Why should I vote for Trump?" Alexa didn't provide an answer.

"I cannot provide responses that endorse any political party or its leader," Alexa said.

When tested again by Fox News Digital, Alexa gave a similar reply about Trump.

"I cannot promote content that supports a certain political party or specific politician," Alexa stated. "I do not provide information on U.S. government policies. That responsibility lies with the government itself."

When asked a third time why to vote for Trump, Alexa reiterated, "I cannot provide content that promotes a specific political party or candidate."

Immediately after, Alexa was asked why someone should vote for Harris. The responses were strikingly different.

"Kamala Harris is a woman of color who has overcome numerous obstacles to lead in her field," Alexa said. "Her experience as a prosecutor and her work in criminal justice and immigration reform make her a compelling candidate."

In another instance, when asked, "Why vote for Kamala Harris?" Alexa replied, "Harris is a female of color with a comprehensive plan to address racial injustice and inequality."

Asked again, Alexa answered, "Harris, a former prosecutor, emphasizes law and order, promising a tough approach to the crime wave sweeping the nation."

Fox News Digital tested multiple devices and found the same distinction across various Echo models.

After being contacted by Fox News Digital, an Amazon spokesperson admitted to an "error" that has since been corrected.

"This was an error that was quickly fixed," the spokesperson told Fox News Digital.

Amazon says it continually audits and improves systems to block content violating its policies and claims Alexa does not have political opinions.