Airline Removes Iconic Phrase Used For Flight Announcements After Push From DEI

Delta Air Lines has shifted focus in recent years, embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). This change is led by Chief Diversity Officer Kyra Lynn Johnson, who questions if traditional phrases like "ladies and gentlemen" are inclusive enough.

Johnson highlighted that Delta is committed to "boldly pursue equity." This shift influences various aspects of the company, from hiring practices to the language used in announcements.

"We're examining our gatehouse announcements," Johnson shared in a 2021 panel. "We ask ourselves, ‘Is welcoming ‘ladies and gentlemen’ as gender-inclusive as we want to be?’ We're revising legacy language in our manuals to ensure it aligns with our inclusivity goals."

In December 2020, Delta released a guide urging employees to avoid terms implying only two genders. "Use gender-neutral language," the guide advised.

A Delta spokesperson confirmed this shift, saying the company promotes inclusive language to reflect its diverse customer base. "Delta encourages inclusive language to accommodate the wide diversity of our global customers," the spokesperson stated.

During the same panel, Johnson also emphasized Delta's commitment to being an "antiracist company." She explained, "Declaring ourselves as an antiracist organization was crucial. We’re actively seeking diversity and promoting equity."

Johnson's stance aligns with Ibram X. Kendi’s antiracism philosophy, which advocates for active opposition to racism. "It's not enough to say we're not racist; we must declare ourselves antiracist," Johnson added.

Delta’s DEI approach extends to its talent strategy. Johnson mentioned the company’s intention to "reimagine and redefine" how it recruits, ensuring representation is intentional and measurable.

Johnson noted that Delta is tracking representation metrics quarterly, focusing on every level within the company. "We’re measuring representation gaps on the front line," she said.

Delta is also pushing its DEI efforts externally. Johnson mentioned in a 2021 interview that the airline evaluates its spending and legislative support to address inequity. "We’re committing our brand and voice to justice and equity," Johnson asserted.

Despite these changes, some employees have struggled to adapt. "Normalizing these conversations has been challenging," Johnson admitted. "Not everyone is comfortable, but the expectation is set."

Delta stands by Johnson's leadership, telling Fox News Digital, "Delta is committed to being a workplace where everyone can thrive, reflecting the diverse communities we serve globally."