On Saturday President Trump put on display how much he loves the United States military when he took the honors of the coin toss in the Army-Navy game. The crowd was fired up about seeing President Trump in attendance as well.

President Trump arrived in Philadelphia for the game on Saturday afternoon. He was tweeting about his excitement before he even landed. Once his plane touched down he spent some time greeting his supporters.


Once in the stadium, President Trump took the honors of handling hte coin toss. The crowd went nuts over this.


In a statement, West Point said how honored they were to have the Command-in-Chief present:

“It’s an honor to have the president in attendance as the nation watches these men fight one another with every ounce of their being on the field, but when it’s all said and done, they will combine to form one of the most powerful fighting forces known to mankind – the U.S. Armed Forces.”

Secretary of Defense James Mattis, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke and both the incoming and outgoing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff attended the game with President Trump.

This is the second Army-Navy game President Trump has attended. He attended in 2016 when he was president-elect.

This is the 199th game between the Army West Point Black Knights and the Navy Midshipmen.

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