The Secret to a Bigger Burrito at Chipotle at No Extra Charge

@GraduatedBen shared a tip on X for Chipotle lovers. He's got a tactic to get more protein without paying extra.

He waits for the first scoop of chicken to land on his burrito. Then, he asks for double chicken. His method? It's about psychology. After the first scoop is down, the employee has set a standard. So, when Ben asks for more, it's harder for them to give less.

Ben explains his strategy: "When I'm at Chipotle, I always wait until after the employee puts the first scoop of chicken on my burrito to ask for double chicken, so the size of the first scoop isn't compromised by the knowledge I'm getting a second scoop and now the employee has shown their hand in terms of their default scoop size, so they can't skimp with my second scoop."

This clever move ensures he gets a full serving each time. It's a play on human nature and expectations.

@wyatt_harkins Chipotle hacks #gains ♬ Spongebob Tomfoolery - Dante9k Remix - David Snell

What about you? Any tricks up your sleeve for getting more out of everyday deals? Drop your strategies in the comments!

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