Remember all those refugees that Democrats demanded we let freely into our country? Remember how they called us heartless for not agreeing? That's because we saw the real danger in opening the flood gates to undocumented, unvetted masses. Despite what the left pushed, we knew that those refugees were not just women and children, and they were not harmless.

The FBI uncovered a plot to bomb a church in Pittsburgh by a Syrian refugee, all in the name of ISIS. Surprised? I'm not.

Fox News reports:

Mustafa Mousab Alowemer, a 21-year-old Pittsburgh resident who was born in Daraa, Syria, and came to the U.S. as a refugee in 2016, met with an undercover FBI agent and an FBI source posing as ISIS sympathizers several times between April and June, according to the criminal complaint.

He pledged an oath of allegiance to the leader of ISIS in a video he recorded of himself and had been in contact with another ISIS supporter who was also was under investigation, prompting the FBI to look into him.

During these meetings, he allegedly provided details to bomb an unidentified Christian church on the north side of Pittsburgh, producing plot details and bomb materials he purchased along with copies of Google satellite maps that showed the details about the church including its location and various routes for arriving and escaping the premise.

According to officials, Alowemer was planning to set off the explosives between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m., in July. He was therefore arrested and charged with trying to provide ISIS with material support, as well as two counts of "distributing information relating to an explosive device or weapon of mass destruction."

"Targeting places of worship is beyond the pale, no matter what the motivation," Attorney General for National Security John Demers stated.

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