Day Care Staff Immediately Calls 911 After Shocking Discover in 2-year-old's Lunch Box

In Florida, a mother faces charges after her toddler's lunchbox was found to contain a handgun. Shanae Davis, 39, is accused of child neglect and allowing a minor access to a firearm. The incident occurred at Jackson’s Daycare Center in Riviera Beach, where a teacher discovered the 9mm Glock 43.

Teachers and parents were shocked by the find. "It's scary," said parent Stephenne Warembourg to WPEC. She expressed concern over her child's safety at school.

Riviera Beach Police reported the gun belonged to Davis. She usually stored it in her car's glove box but recently began bringing it into her apartment due to break-ins.

Davis admitted to placing the gun in the lunchbox on March 14 to carry it inside, as she doesn't use a purse. She forgot to remove it the next morning.

The day care called the police, who responded quickly. Davis was arrested but released on bail the following day.

A police spokesperson emphasized the critical importance of gun safety. The incident could have ended tragically, but fortunately, no one was hurt.

Despite the day care owner's decision not to press charges, the state prosecutor's office is moving forward with the case.

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