This kind of sick, twisted story is the nightmare of every parent. We cannot be with our children 24/7, but when they are betrayed by the very people who SHOULD be protecting them, it incites a whole new kind of anger.

A bus driver in New York admitted to raping a 14-year-old girl whom he met through his job. However, he was only given a few fines and ten years probation for his crime. He was not issued any prison time.

KHOU reports: 

Shane Piche, 26, will be registered as a Level 1 sex offender, according to the Waterford Daily Times. The judge reportedly said because he had no prior arrests and there was one victim, the sentence was appropriate.

Level 1 is considered the lowest risk level out of three, and Piche will not be included in online sex offender databases.

He pleaded guilty in February to raping a 14-year-old girl who he met through his job as a bus driver with the city's school district, the newspaper reports.

Piche also was charged with unlawfully dealing with a child and endangering the welfare of a child after he allegedly gave the girl alcohol.

In addition to the probation, he was also ordered to pay the $375 court fees and surcharges, as well as the special sex offender registration fee which costs $1,000.

So for the small price of $1,375, he makes out nearly scot-free while that little girl has to deal with the trauma of losing her innocence to this pig.

"I wish Shane Piche would have received time in jail for the harm he caused to my child." The girl's mother stated, “He took something from my daughter she will never get back and has caused her to struggle with depression and anxiety.”

Piche's defense attorney, Eric Swartz said, “He’ll be a felon for the rest of his life,” he continued, “He’s on the sex offender registry for a long time. Maybe not the rest of his life because of the level but this isn’t something that didn’t cause him pain and this isn’t something that didn’t have consequences.”

I am all about justice, and it was certainly not served in this situation. If I was her parent, I would request to have this judge after taking care of the rapist myself. At least then I'd know that I'd only have to pay a small fine for ridding the world of his existence!

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