More than 25 liberal organizations have banded together and signed a petition to push House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to begin the impeachment process of President Donald Trump.

I'm not sure they realize that a person cannot be impeached from office simply because they hurt your feelings. Unless a crime has been committed and there is plausible cause to impeach them, then it's not legal.

The petition letter sent to Pelosi reads:

“As Speaker of the House, you have the power to ensure Congress exercises its constitutional obligation to hold this president accountable, but instead of using your power, you are giving us political excuses for why you shouldn’t."

“Instead of leading, you and your colleagues have asked us to wait — wait for the Mueller report, wait for the unredacted Mueller report, wait for Mueller’s testimony about the Mueller report, wait for more investigations, wait for bipartisan consensus, wait for impeachment to poll better, or wait for the 2020 election."

“Waiting is not a privilege available to the families separated by his deportation force or his Muslim ban, or the asylum seekers languishing in Mexico, or people threatened by his embrace of white supremacy, or the LGBTQ people whose rights he is taking away, or the women whose bodies he is trying to control or the communities threatened by his denial of the climate crisis.”

Democrats were counting on the Mueller report to bring Trump down. However, when Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation came back empty handed, the left was outraged. Not only did the report not find anything on Trump, but it wasted time and money at the expense of the American people.

It's time to stop the witch hunt and face the music.

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